Thursday, September 23, 2010

Of Alien Dreams and a Clear Lake Traveler

Well, we are close to the current point in time. 

I must say that this has been an extremely cathartic process for me, and I hope that it was useful to some of my readers.

Before I get to my most recent sighting, I feel the need to share one last “dream”. It was shortly after I had agreed to do this blog and I was mentally sorting through my experiences. Some I remembered quite easily, others came grudgingly to my consciousness.

I had gone to bed as I normally would, around midnight. I fell asleep very quickly, when suddenly I was back to the craft I saw back in Albuquerque, NM. I was sitting in a padded chair, with restraints holding me in the chair. It felt like what I would assume being attached to a bungee cord would feel like. A constant movement that felt like I was being launched upwards and as quickly pulled back down again. There were a constant flow of colors, very psychedelic and a voice talking to me. 

The voice had the tone of a person who is used to having orders followed. The voice kept repeating the mantra “ You will not remember. You must not remember. You cannot remember.” I don’t know how long this lasted, but the constant up and down movement caused that feeling in one’s stomach where you would be driving a car and suddenly hit a dip. That dropping feeling that I used to love as a child.

I woke up that morning committed to putting on paper all of the experiences that I could readily remember. Did I remember them all? I don’t believe I did, I honestly feel that there are things buried in my memory that I may never recover.

With that being said, I rather frequently feel the tingling in my neck. But having moved to Los Angeles, the sky is very hard to observe. 

The first sighting I caught was over downtown LA. 
It was a brilliant white orb, very high up. 
After I focused my eyes on it, it shot straight up and out of sight.

The second occurred at a small town called Clear Lake, California. My wife and I had gone up there 2 years ago for the Fourth of July. It was pitch black over the lake, with a beautifully clear sky. We were standing on the dock when that all to familiar tingling started. I asked my wife if she would like to see a “traveler”. When she said she did, I told her to look directly above us. In that area of the sky was a satellite which was traveling on it’s constant path, but crossing it’s path at a high rate of speed was an orange colored orb. She thought both were satellites, until the orange orb stopped, hovered then shot back in the direction it had came from.

Finally, we were coming home from watching Iron Man II. Heading down Glendale Blvd back to our home, I noticed a triangular grouping of bright white lights with a brilliant red light in the center of that triangle. It cruised and hovered in the sky to the southwest, then quickly vanished.

I will end on this sighting for now. 
As more show themselves to me I will fill in the gaps.
Ciao for now.   

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Diversity in the New Mexico Alien Crafts


I remained living in NM for about 18 months after C had passed away. During this time I had many “odd” sightings. 

I was lying on the floor one evening about 11:30 p.m. My television was against a wall facing Northeast, and to it’s right were several windows. As I was watching TV I felt a strong rumbling. It felt as if my whole home was being shaken to it’s very foundation. I glanced out of the windows, and I saw a string of lights.

There were perhaps 10 or 12 in a straight line formation covering the expanse of the end of my home and flying at about 2000 feet. They passed rapidly over my home and were gone over the horizon in a matter of seconds.

Later that week I sat on the back porch of my home talking with a friend on the phone. Again, a loud roaring was heard, loud enough that my friend on the other end of the phone asked me if I had moved next to the Sunport. 

I looked out over my back garden, about ¾ of an acre, and noticed a dark obelisk like object flying at tree top level over my property. It flew perpendicular to the ground, think Washington monument moving upright, and with the exception of 3 large reddish, circular lights, one above the other, the only way you could see it’s shape was by it blocking out stars as it passed. As it moved out towards the West, it turned horizontally and left in a few seconds.

The oddest of these sightings took place in December of 2004. I had gone to bed at about midnight, and dropped right off to sleep. The next thing I am aware of is standing out in the middle of my back garden looking straight up. Very high above me was a circle of 6 lights. They remained stationary for a few seconds after I “woke” up, then they began to quickly rotate around their circle and they shot straight up into the early morning sky.

I was weighing a decision that would take me away from New Mexico, but not away from my “friends”.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Final Days: The Visitor's Return

I was with C for approximately 10 yrs. About a year before she died, I came home and noticed an interesting object sitting in the eastern sky. It looked like a ‘can’ in basic shape. The object itself was a brilliant white with an alternating red/blue light rotating around it’s upper edge and a green light rotating around it’s lower edge.

It sat at an angle of about 10-15 degrees off perpendicular. It never moved. 
I came into the house and found C in her recliner. She was having bouts of severe shortness of breath so she did very little in her last days. I mentioned the object, and she got her walker to go out on her back porch. Again she felt it was our ’friends’. The object stayed in the exact same spot in the sky for 45 minutes to an hour, then it was suddenly gone. No where to be seen.

That was the last sighting at her home. 

The day she passed away, I stayed around her home and collected my things. That night I took our dog and cats and went back to my home South of Albuquerque. I took my things back into my home and walked my dog around the back part of the acre that I owned. 

As he was doing his business I felt that unmistakable tingling in my neck. I looked up towards the Sandia/Monzano Mountain range. The moon was full, with slight cloud covering along the top of the mountains.

Out of the clouds dropped a brilliant orange ball.

 It dropped to just above the mountain tops, flew following the range and then returned along the mountain tops and disappeared back into the clouds. I stood there and watched for several minutes. TBC

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sandia - Monzano "Visitors"

After C’s accident, our relationship changed. 

The person who went into the crash was not the person who came out the other side. The closed head trauma re-wired her and the personality took a change; not for the better in this case. She spent 6 weeks in the hospital and then was discharged home to my care. This also displaced pharmacy school for 1 year.

During this time my sister had moved from Kansas with her middle child. They stayed with my mother and myself which freed me up to look after C. I went back to working full time, plus any overtime, at the Emergency Rooms where I was employed. This meant I was traveling at all hours of the day.

One evening, toward the end of the first year, I was headed back to C’s house. I had worked all day at two separate ER s and was flat exhausted. It was around 11:45 p.m. I walked into the house and our dog, Sosa, met me at the door. C had taken her walker and went out onto the back porch.

It was a typical NM November night, crisp, cold, snow was on the ground and the sky was so close you could touch it. C had a very strange look on her face.

When I asked why she wasn’t back in bed, she told me a story that I will never forget. 

She had been reading and got the distinct feeling that I was out in the backyard. She thought that was very odd, because normally I came through the house to check on her immediately after getting home. She got out of her bed and walked outside. She had a fantastic view of the Sandia and Monzano Mountains. There were heavy clouds just above the range, and as her attention was drawn to the clouds a bright orange ball dropped out of the clouds. It flew rapidly along the tops of the mountains until it reached the end of the range, then it just headed right back to where it came from. It did this twice as she watched. It had fascinated her so much that she remained outside in hopes of seeing it again.

She called this, and all sightings after this, “our friends”.

Keep this sighting in mind, because after her passing it will return.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Silent Light on an Eve of (Near) Destruction


After the first of the year 1995, I began dating one of the ER/ICU nurses that I had worked with at the Westside hospital. We had been seeing each other for approximately a month, when we began discussing my beliefs regarding extraterrestrial life. She listened very intently to the experiences I had gone through and was especially attracted to the Socorro encounter. 

She cooked dinner for me that night, consisting of Curried Shrimp, basmati rice and homemade white chocolate ice-cream with raspberrie sauce. The next morning she was going to meet a friend in Guatemala and vacation in Belize. She had a strange feeling about the trip, feeling that she might not come back from her excursion. I stayed the night.

Later in the evening we went to bed. Her bedroom faced out overlooking the Rio Grande river situated in Rio Rancho. It had a wonderful view of both the river and the night sky.

Around 3 a.m. she woke me up with a very dreamy sounding voice, “Look at the pretty star” Her head was raised and looking out the window. I followed her gaze and coming down the river at tree top level was a brilliant white light. It lit up the trees and the river underneath it, and was so bright that you couldn’t see what was behind it. There was absolutely no sound. The window was opened, and a breeze was coming in, but absolutely no sound.

I got up the next morning and made it to class. Half way through Biochem, UNM’s campus police pulled me out of class. My new girlfriend had been in a near fatal car accident on her way to the airport. Her car had been T-boned by a 1994 Chevy Blazer. 

She had suffered a lacerated liver, multiple rib fractures including a flail chest, her pelvis was fractured in 5 places and she suffered a closed head trauma.

This was a prelude to our next 9 years together. 


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Triangle UFO Over Isleta Indian Reservation Bridge

By the beginning of the year of 1995 J and I had gone our separate ways. Nothing uncommon for me. Business as usual.

I had started classes at the University of New Mexico’s College of Pharmacy, but continued to work at least three 12 hour shifts per week in the ER for one of Albuquerque’s hospital systems. Most of the time these shifts took place between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the weekends, but occasionally there would be other hours.

I took care of my mother during both the times J and I were together, up until the day she died. She was a brittle diabetic (old term), hypertensive, arthritic, but her mind was intact. Her eyesight was not the best, and her reaction times had slowed, therefore she quit driving. I picked up the slack for her.

I was headed to my mother’s home one night after an 11a.m. to 11 p.m. shift at one of St. Joe’s Hospitals ERs. This one was located on the West side of Albuquerque, so I was able to take the back roads to my mother’s. This allowed me to go through the Isleta Indian Reservation and cross the Rio Grande via their bridge.

As I came across the Reservation and started across the bridge I looked up the Rio Grande River northward. Hovering silently about 100-150 yards from the bridge was a large triangular shaped craft. It was just about tree top level and the bottom of the craft reflected in the dark waters of the Rio Grande. The only lights visible on the craft were what I would say were portholes or windows along the upper third of the thickness of the craft, and three large, brilliantly white lights on the bottom. I know they were there because they reflected back from the river.

Artist Concept

I looked at this vehicle, and it was like it was an everyday sight for me. The tingling in my neck was going off madly, but I felt extremely calm. I didn’t stop or even slow down my car. I made it through the Reservation and home.

I mentioned this to an Uncle (uncle by marriage) that had traveled Hwy 317 many times over the years. He laughed and began to describe a disc shaped craft he saw hovering in the yard of one of the many folks who had land along that Hiway. He said that was one of many sightings he had had over the years.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Journey of Missing Time on Highway 350


Both J and I had been attending The University of New Mexico taking classes in computer programming. At the end of 2.5 years of computer languages, and debugging a program in C++ at 6 in the morning, I decided I was going to go back to something I knew, medicine. 

We both applied to UNM’s College of Pharmacy, but to hedge our bets we also applied to University of Colorado Boulder’s CoP and University of the Pacific’s CoP.

It was in October of 1993 and we had interviews in Boulder. Since I was born and raised in Colorado we decided we would stay with a long time friend of mine and his family. 

We got a late start out of Albuquerque, and the drive to La Junta is approximately 5 hours. We left Albuquerque at 3:12 in the afternoon. We arrived at my friend’s home around midnight.

As we were making our way from Trinidad, Colorado down Hiway 350 towards La Junta, it was extremely dark. There are very few lights along that portion of the highway as most of the area is farmland and ranchland. As we were driving the discussion once again turned towards UFOs. We were discussing many of the sightings that had taken place over the years, when I noticed two repetitive sets of lights. They consisted of two lights that were a set distance apart. They were a brilliant white and moved quite slowly. As I watched these two sets of lights the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. I got J to look at the lights just as the trailing set of two lights began a marvelous display.

The lights began to flash, much like a strobe light. The flashing started as regular intervals, first the leading light, then the trailing light. They also appeared to have slowed down in their traversing the terrain. All of a sudden these two lights began flashing in a wild and disrythmic fashion. In such a way as it appeared that the lights had multiplied and no longer flashed in a linear fashion. They literally flew around the area defined by the original two lights, but in no predictable sense. The display was breath taking.

After arriving at my friend’s M, he asked why we were so late. I had no explanation. I told him about the lights, but J claimed she never saw them. He said perhaps they were military as the army had put in an installation along Hwy 350 since I had moved away.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Travis Walton: Was He The Only Abduction In That Forest Range?

After our discussion about what had occurred to me in Socorro, J seemed to accept what had happened without much discussion or disbelief. It was during this time that I was contact with the Intruders Foundation run by Budd Hopkins, and Ms. Kathryn McCampbell. I was having more frequent, overt experiences. Most of which I’ve already covered.

The last immediate occurrence happened just prior to our going to go see “Fire In The Sky”. It was the night before the movie opened, J and I had been at work until midnight. I dropped her off at her home, and I drove the 23 miles South to Peralta. I felt incredibly tired, which was not uncommon after a shift from Hell in the ER.

I made it home and went immediately to sleep. I really don’t know how long I had been sleeping when my bedroom was flooded with a brilliant white light. Much like the klieg lights they use here in California for a movie. There was absolutely no source around my home for such a brilliant light. As soon as I noticed it, I was back asleep.

The next afternoon I picked J up from her home in the Northeast Heights of Albuquerque. We watched the movie, which was a tad over done for me, but close to the experience none the less. As we were driving to go to dinner J asked me if the movie bothered me. I said not exactly, but it did bring some memories to the fore.

She then began to tell me how she that it was crap, and that I couldn’t have possibly gone thru what was portrayed in the movie. I was trying to explain to her that I was sure that there was ‘artistic license’ being used in the production. She moved away from me and sat next to the window of my truck. I explained to her that the Mogollon Mountain range, the very same range that Travis Walton logged in, ran just to the South and West of Socorro.

Our experiences happened very close to one another, and that the probability of it being the same craft and crew was highly likely. J then said I needed to shut up about this and how could she possibly be proud of a boyfriend who had a fantasy such as this.

This sudden shift in her point of view was totally out of character for her. But it was one which didn’t change, and probably signaled the end of a 9 year relationship. The next year we took a trip to Denver to interview for Pharmacy School.

That will be covered next time.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Purgatory, Pandemonium and a Question of UFOs

There is nothing comparable to the wonder of the blue skies of Southwestern Colorado over the vast white of the ski runs of Purgatory, now Durango Ski Area. This was the end of winter 1988 and my girlfriend and I were headed out to get one last ski trip in for the year.

We were staying in a motel at the north end of the main street in Durango. It was filled with folks from the various states in search of that perfect run. The weather was beautiful and the sky was clear. At night, from the hot tub you felt that you could reach out and touch the Milky Way, the Pleiades, Ursula Major and Minor. We tracked satellites with ease, it was breathtaking.

On our last day we headed to the ski are via a shuttle service (read old yellow school bus) that was provided by the motel. We gathered our equipment together, and met at the bus. As equipment was getting loaded onto the bus, that familiar tingling started right at the base of my neck. I looked everywhere in the sky, but did not see anything that I felt could account for that feeling. We headed out.

For the early part of the day, my girlfriend skied with her brother’s girlfriend, teaching her how to ski. I was left up to my own resources, and made a couple of new friends from Texas. We had skied down a run called Lower Pandemonium and were heading back up to the top, when the gentleman next to me on the lift asked me my opinion on ETs and UFOs.

I told him that I was quite certain that there were other sentient beings beside us on this planet. We chatted for the better part of the lift ride to the top of the run, where he began to tell me about a crash that had taken place near the Texas/Mexican border, Laredo I believe, and the retrieval. We then got off the lift he waved goodbye and headed down the run. I never saw him again. Never. Not on the run. Not on the bus back to the motel. I didn’t think twice about it at the time.

That night we were getting ready for bed, and J and I were discussing the day. I was telling her about this Texan that I had met, and she asked me where he was from in Texas. I didn’t know. What was his name, again not a clue. We finished getting ready, showered and gathered our belongings so that the next day would go off without a hitch. I was out like a light. 

The next thing I know I have the feeling of falling. The bed compressed as I ‘hit’ it, and it bounced J up and then back down. She awoke with a start and rolled over to see what had happened. According to her there were several seconds that I had laid there, my eyes opened, but not responding to her voice. 

Needless to say, it shook her up. Then I had “The Talk” with her regarding Socorro.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sandia ER and a Case of Mistaken Identity

Albuquerque, NM. The year is 1988. 

My girlfriend and I had had many discussions about life on other planets and other planes of existence.  We were both basically on the same page as to the reality of it all.  However, the other staff members at the hospital where we worked varied on the subjects.

We worked the “war zone” at the hospital's Emergency Room. I was in an administrative position, so it was stress-relieving fun for the staff to give me my ration of s__t for my beliefs. 

It was all in good fun and I took it that way but to me a person should never be ridiculed for their beliefs; be it religious, political or life in general. 

One day in the midst of our duties, my ward clerk suddenly came running in from the ambulance entrance, breathless. It was about 5 or 6 in the evening and the setting sun had cast it’s coloration along the Sandia Mountains turning them the color that gave them their name…a watermelon red.  

He was very excited and urged me to go quickly outside and look just above the ER.  He said that their was a metallic craft hovering, and it wasn’t moving. I thought that this was quite odd as I didn’t have any tingling that I would normally associate with the presence of a craft. 

I walked out the ambulance entrance and down the drive.  I looked up and indeed there was a metalic object just sitting there in the sky. I went back in and retrieved my clerk. We walked back out and I pointed to the object. It was sitting there quietly hovering and not moving perceptibly.

I looked at my clerk and said “That, my friend, is what a weather balloon looks like.  Notice how it looks like an ice cream cone? That's a dead give away.” He looked at me in disbelief.  He said he could understand how someone could actually mistake one for an unidentified craft.  I smiled and went back inside.

My girlfriend and I were planning an end-of-the-season ski trip. 

More on that next time.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Manzano Mountain, Sandia Labs Sightings


Back to the timeline…1985...

After a long period of abstinence, both from sightings and females, I started seeing the girl who would be with me for 10+ years. She didn’t have any problems with my history, at first.

Our first outing was camping in an area just South of Belen, NM, in the Manzano Mountain range. Keep in mind that the Manzano Mts were where Sandia Labs were doing propulsion and weapons testing. Much of our nuclear stockpile was stored there during the ‘Cold War’.

We drove down I-25 South, took the turn off for Isleta and headed down Hiway 47. This trek took us thru Bosque Farms, Peralta, and Los Lunas. We followed it down past Belen, NM and took a dirt road that ended at a trail head. 

It was early October, the air was very crisp and there was the promise of snow in the air. We hiked up the trail head about 2 miles when I noticed a very large, shallow cave on the right side of the trail. We made our way to the cave and set up camp for the weekend. It was just dusk when I got the campfire started. We had our supper, sat there telling stories, jokes and I passed time blowing on a harmonica that I always took camping. 

After it was dark we sat looking at the sky, and my companion looked at me and said “I’ve never thought we were the only ones here. That would be the stupidest statement one could possibly make.” I agreed and we turned in for the night.

About 2 hours passed, when I got that tingling in my neck. I woke her and we went out the tent opening. There was a glowing object passing from West to East, silently, at a fairly rapid rate. It was about the size of a match head at arm’s length. We turned back in and snuggled down in our down bag.

The next morning, we decide to hike along the ridge that was just East of our camp. As we came up a draw, near the top of the opposite ridge, was a bubble-like object sitting next to a pine. I quickly took a photo of it and wanted to hike towards it. My date, however, felt otherwise.

Needless to say, we did not go and explore near the bubble. This was the beginning of an interesting 10 years.

I am currently going thru multiple boxes and photo-books to find that print. When I do I will post it here.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

UFO Sighting and Albuquerque: Lost Week-end

Please forgive me for a bit of regression here. 
It is amazing what friends remember.

This past week I was talking with one of my friends from my years at NMMT in Socorro. I was mentioning this blog and we were comparing notes from that time. She asked me if I had mentioned what I apparently called a “Lost Weekend”. The following is the meat of our conversation.

Apparently in late 1976 or early 1977 my friend had agreed to take a mutual acquaintance to the Albuquerque Airport. They had left Socorro at around 4 a.m. on a Saturday morning. Her friend was headed back to Pennsylvania for a family emergency. They were headed North on I-25 when they got to the “Twilight Zone” just south of Belen, NM.

She was driving her Triumph sports car, when they pulled over to the side of the road. She was unable to recall exactly why they pulled over, but as soon as they had come to a complete stop she looked above them.  Moving silently across the sky was what she describes as a HUGE deck shaped object.  She judged the length of one side to be about 300 yards. There were multiple lights between the top of the craft and the bottom, making the appearance of it being a multi-storied object. It moved silently, heading West across the interstate.  Her other observation was that it appeared to be landing, just West of Los Lunas, NM. She said that if her passenger hadn’t had to be at the airport to catch his flight, she would have chased the thing.

According to her, that weekend I had headed up to Albuquerque. I left Socorro right after band practice, so that would have put it around midnight. When I returned to Socorro, I complained that I had ended up coming into Albuquerque from the West side. I had taken a cut-off that I was sure was a shortcut to Albuquerque. I arrived in ABQ late Saturday afternoon, feeling blank. I told them when I returned to Socorro that I felt like I had lost my weekend.

Even more interesting is that I hadn’t remembered that incident until we talked this past week. Even now it is a piece meal affair of memories. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mass UFO Sighting at the 66 Multiplex Drive-In


After my girlfriend and I stopped seeing each other socially, I did not pursue another. During this break time, I was seeing some craft. Mostly they were night time sightings. Quick and gone as I like to describe them.

I started working a clinic job. During this time I met my next companion. She was an intake RN for this clinic. It was only a short time before we started seeing each other. I opted not to share my personal beliefs with her, feeling that what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.

One evening, in a cold November, we went to the 66 Multiplex Drive-In to see “Transylvania 6-5000”. We were snuggled in the front seat, covered with a blanket, when from out of behind the screen came an object. The total length looked to be about 3”. It was composed of 4 white lights in a row, then a white light at about a 60 degree angle above the 4, and then 2 more white lights in the same row as the four. It looked like a constellation. 

I rapidly rolled our windows down, it was completely silent. It covered the distance between the multiplex, which was just off of I-25 on the West side of the freeway, to over the Sandia Mountains in less than 10 seconds and it was gone. Multiple movie viewers had gotten out of their cars to see it more clearly. However, my girlfriend at the moment did not see it. Not at all. This being about 1984-85, I couldn’t take a picture with a cell phone, nor did I have a VHS recorder. This would have been a very close range photo.

We finished watching the movie and headed back to our apartment. I tried to nonchalantly quiz her about the object. But she was adamant that she did not see anything at all. Just as we were approaching our apartment complexes parking lot, in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, a golden orange globe of light hung just above Sandia Peak. As I mentioned this to her, it shot straight up into the clouds. Once again, my relationship was on the way out. 


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Me and you and a ...Silver Disk? Remembering Grand Canyon Memories

After leaving Socorro I played in bands, met the ex, went to Nursing School and led an extremely robust existence. For the 3 years of my first marriage there were no “sightings” just awkward transitions of my body from one space to another.

The first sighting that took place after the divorce was during a trip to the Grand Canyon. I was excited about going as I had always meant to go there, but never really had the chance to do so. 

On the morning of the trip, I was loading up the car preparing for a weekend of relaxation. My girlfriend at the time and I headed out of Albuquerque going West towards Arizona via I-40. Just outside of Grants NM I felt an odd tingling at the back of my neck radiating up over my scalp. 
There, sitting about 11 o’clock in the sky, was a brilliantly reflective disc.

 It was about the size of a match head held at arm’s length. It remained motionless for 30-40 seconds, long enough for my girlfriend to see it just before it shot straight up and out of sight. She looked at me, and I said that these things sort of followed me. She had a hard time resolving what she had just seen.

We made our way thru NM and AZ, winding our way to what I still consider an awe inspiring sight. As the pine trees dropped away and the canyon walls came into view, I felt that tingling once again. I tried in vain to find the source, but I could not.

We made camp at one of the campsites along the Village Loop. We hiked most of the day taking photographs, then went back to set up camp. I had a quickset dome tent, so camp was up and going in no time. After supper, we retired to the tent and got to sleep around 11 p.m.

At 3:00 a.m., on the nose, the inside of our tent was lit up like a light bulb. The light was intense, white. So intense that you could feel the light. Just as suddenly as it was on, it was off. There was not a sound to be heard around the campground, but the tingling sensation was as strong as I have ever felt it.

On the way back from the canyon, we stopped at Barringer’s Crater. I was impressed by the site, but my girlfriend was extremely quiet. Our affair lasted 2 more months after this trip. She felt that she was never quite alone with me. At least that was her excuse.