Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Something was controlling my motion, and it wasn’t me."


Let’s pick this up where the last installment left off…. 

Again, this was never again discussed. I have no explanation as to why it was not discussed, but we never discussed it. 

Now let’s jump 15 years in the future. 
I am a Registered Nurse, working the ER in Albuquerque, NM.

I go to sleep one night on my waterbed. 

I immediately fall asleep. 

During the initial dream phase I hear three beep like tones and immediately loose all conscious control of myself. At one time I made my living as a musician, and those three tones I had never heard before or since. After hearing the three tones, in my dream, I get out of my bed. The bed, the room, the furnishings of my dwelling is all exactly the same as they would be in real life. I picked up my clothes, put them on and navigated myself down the hall and out the front door. I walked out to my front gate and waited.

I lived just south of Albuquerque in the township of Peralta, NM. I-25 ran north and south, and connected to me via Hiway 47.

I didn’t wait very long when a long, limo like vehicle pulled up alongside of my fence. 

On the light wells of the front end were American Flags that were rimmed with a yellow/gold tasseling. A uniformed person got out of the passenger side of the front seat and opened the back door. 

The back doors to this vehicle opened like a limo in that they opened reverse of a normal vehicles rear doors. I got into the car. As I got into the car I saw 4 or 5 other folks who looked exactly like I felt. Something was controlling my motion, and it wasn't me. 

The car pulled around and we headed back out of La Sombre Loop, onto Peralta Blvd., onto Hiway 47 and headed north. Just south of Albuquerque we took the first exit possible and headed east. We crossed locked gates, and drove down dirt roads until we stopped. I felt we were on Kirtland AFB property.
The vehicle finally stopped, and we were let out. 

An officer-looking gentleman stepped forward with something that looked like a TV changer. He pressed the button, and the best I can describe is the air shimmered.
In front of me, sitting on retractable landing legs, was the exact same craft I had seen in Socorro back in 1975.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Missing time........


Again, we are going to jump approximately one year to 1976.

By this time, my friend and I are roommates. We had a corner room, upper floor of President’s Hall. The date of this occurrence is somewhere between October and November of 1976.

We had bunk beds, and I had been up late studying for an Organic Chemistry exam. So about 2 am, I crawled into the lower bunk and immediately fell asleep. 

My dream began with the craft I saw back the year before, hovering outside our dorm. I was taken thru the wall by a group of small humanoid beings. All I can say is their size, can’t say what their heads looked like, or their eyes, only their stature.

I was “floated” on board that craft, and placed on a metal-like table in the center of a room. The lighting was a greenish, the walls curved slightly, and the table was cold. I could not move a muscle, but I could see these little folk hustling and bustling all around me via my peripheral vision. 

An Eye-like object on a flexible neck extended from the ceiling. The center of the eye was dark red. I could feel panic and would try desperately to wake up. I would only get to total darkness, never awake, and be yanked right back into this situation. 

After an enumerable amount of time, a much taller figure walked into this room, and began going over data. I had the impression that this figure was female and in charge. It looked up from the data, looked at me and said “We’re finished”.

The next thing I know is I hear a loud knocking on my door. I opened it and there was a group of friends, they were worried as I had not made it to class. It was 12 noon.
I let them in, and I was physically exhausted. I felt like I had run a marathon, and apparently looked as badly as I felt. 

My friends asked what the hell was going on, I missed the exam and no one knew where I was. During the “cross examination” my roommate came home. As he came into the room, I had to ask “Was I here when you went to class this morning?” The dream had seemed so very real. He looked and me, “Yes” he said. I asked him if he had physically saw me in bed, and he said, “No, but there was a lump under the covers so I assume that was you.” 
And it could have been, but I don’t sleep under covers because I become hyper claustrophobic.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ore House, Tom Snyder, Betty Hill and Friends


Let’s pick up the story where I left off on the last installment of the blog. 

Again the date is October 23, 1975. As we proceed thru these installments, they will cover a period of time during my tenure at NMIMT and approximately 8-10 years after I left.

I parked the car, we got out and headed back to the Ore House. I desperately wanted to tell someone about this incident. We ran into a group of friends, and when I started to tell them about it, they naturally stated the obvious. We were under the influence of mind-altering substances. We turned around and headed back to my friend’s room to get his roommate and go to the local all night diner for a bite to eat. 

Upon entering the room, my friend’s roommate was watching the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder. That night his guest was Betty Hill. As she was showing Tom a bust that she had made from memory of the aliens that had abducted her and Barney, my friend again became very agitated. He ran to where the TV was plugged into the wall, yanked the plug out fiercely enough to dump the TV onto the floor. “This is bullshit, just bullshit!” he screamed at his roommate and ran from the room. 

We went and found him, gathered him up and went to get that bite to eat. He was agitated through out the meal, and only spoke if he as directly addressed. This was totally out of character for him, even under the influence.

After we got back to campus, my friend went to spend the night with his girlfriend. We never  discussed this event ever again. Within 5 years my friend would be dead and the possibility of sharing this with each other was gone forever. 

I spoke with his girlfriend in the early nineties to see if she and my friend had ever discussed this event. I was having some interesting things occur and needed some clarification. She stated that outside of the initial portion of the incident, she and my friend never spoke about that night.


Friday, March 5, 2010

"...get us out of here now!!"

Now let’s move ahead one year.
October 23rd, 1975 to be exact.

 New Mexico Tech held three large school wide parties during the year. Due to the stress in the curriculum, the school sponsored three large mid-semester parties per school year.  In the spring it was St. Patrick’s Day, in the summer it was known as August Antics and the fall was 49er’s Celebration. This was a Thursday night, a mid week celebration and the student body was in full party mode. It was about to get strange for my best friend and myself.

Please keep in mind that this was the mid-Seventies, and what was considered the norm for our student body, probably would not be considered the norm for anyone else.

Earlier in the evening both my friend and myself had partaken of a psycheldelic substance.  As it began to take affect, we wandered down to the Ore House to drink beer and visit with friends. We had been down in the Ore House less than 20 minutes when my friend suggested we drive down to the drainage ditch systems just east of the campus. We climbed into my 1972 Pinto Hatchback and headed out.

I had just turned onto the drainage ditch road, when I noticed a light coming through the treetops on my left. I stopped the car for a moment when I noticed a large, silent craft with brightly lit windows “float” at tree top level come across the road. Behind those lit windows were the silhouettes of small individuals moving around.  At this point in time, due to the ingestion of mind-altering substances, I asked my friend if he saw anything in front of the car. I truly expected him to either laugh or ask me what the hell I was talking about; that did not happen.

My friend looked at me, and with extreme panic in his voice, said “Get us the fuck out of here, get us out of here now.” He then began to describe the same physical craft that I was and had been looking at then. Now it is extremely unlikely to have two persons have the exact same hallucination caused by chemical ingestion. It just does not usually happen. Just as my friend’s frenzy was beginning to peak, the car died. No lights, no radio, nothing. Here I lose conscious reckoning.

The next memory I have is about 9 miles down the ditch, making a left turn onto the hiway towards Carrizozo, NM. Sitting above the pavement, lighting it up with a very brilliant white light was a bright orb. My friend, who was abnormally calm now, looked up as said, “What a pretty star.” I immediately pulled a U-turn and headed back towards campus.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rex, the Twilight Zone and the UFO

As time passed at NMIMT, I became the person who people
felt they could tell about their experiences. They knew that I
would be non-judgmental in regards to what they would have
to say, but that I also looked for the obvious explanations
to what might have occurred.

Some of the experiences that occurred to friends would involve
myself to some extent or other. One such incident occurred
in the fall of 1975.

My friend Rex had been up in Albuquerque with a mutual
acquaintance. They were headed back to Socorro via I-25
and had just passed the southern exit for Belen, NM. This
area was known as the “Twilight Zone”, due to the high
occurrence of abnormal situations. Time dilatation, cattle
mutilations, sightings of black panthers etc… Tonight we
would add anomalous lights in the sky.

According to Rex, he and Doug were heading back to
Albuquerque when he noticed a strange light off to
the west of I-25. This ball of light would pace the Dodge
van that he was in, and then it would zip off at an
incredible speed to hover above the Highway
in front of the van. As soon as the van approached
it would move back lateral to the van and begin pacing
them once again. The total time of this sighting would
be approximately 40-45 minutes as that is the length of
time it would normally take us to drive that distance.

Rex came into my dorm room at about 2:00 a.m. and
began turning on my lights and rousing me up from a
deep sleep. “You need to get your ass out of bed and
get outside,” he said and turned from my dorm door.
I got up, pulled on a pair of shorts and headed out.
We ended up in the parking lot across from West Hall
next to the swimming pool. When I asked what was so
urgent, he pointed up. Hovering directly overhead, at possibly
1000 ft, was a brilliantly lit disc. I would guess it was 20-25
feet in diameter and silent. I watched it for about 45 seconds
to a minute, and then it suddenly shot out of sight over M Mountain.

It was gone in seconds.