Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Something was controlling my motion, and it wasn’t me."


Let’s pick this up where the last installment left off…. 

Again, this was never again discussed. I have no explanation as to why it was not discussed, but we never discussed it. 

Now let’s jump 15 years in the future. 
I am a Registered Nurse, working the ER in Albuquerque, NM.

I go to sleep one night on my waterbed. 

I immediately fall asleep. 

During the initial dream phase I hear three beep like tones and immediately loose all conscious control of myself. At one time I made my living as a musician, and those three tones I had never heard before or since. After hearing the three tones, in my dream, I get out of my bed. The bed, the room, the furnishings of my dwelling is all exactly the same as they would be in real life. I picked up my clothes, put them on and navigated myself down the hall and out the front door. I walked out to my front gate and waited.

I lived just south of Albuquerque in the township of Peralta, NM. I-25 ran north and south, and connected to me via Hiway 47.

I didn’t wait very long when a long, limo like vehicle pulled up alongside of my fence. 

On the light wells of the front end were American Flags that were rimmed with a yellow/gold tasseling. A uniformed person got out of the passenger side of the front seat and opened the back door. 

The back doors to this vehicle opened like a limo in that they opened reverse of a normal vehicles rear doors. I got into the car. As I got into the car I saw 4 or 5 other folks who looked exactly like I felt. Something was controlling my motion, and it wasn't me. 

The car pulled around and we headed back out of La Sombre Loop, onto Peralta Blvd., onto Hiway 47 and headed north. Just south of Albuquerque we took the first exit possible and headed east. We crossed locked gates, and drove down dirt roads until we stopped. I felt we were on Kirtland AFB property.
The vehicle finally stopped, and we were let out. 

An officer-looking gentleman stepped forward with something that looked like a TV changer. He pressed the button, and the best I can describe is the air shimmered.
In front of me, sitting on retractable landing legs, was the exact same craft I had seen in Socorro back in 1975.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is the beginning of a great story! I am anxious to hear the rest!
