Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Triangle UFO Over Isleta Indian Reservation Bridge

By the beginning of the year of 1995 J and I had gone our separate ways. Nothing uncommon for me. Business as usual.

I had started classes at the University of New Mexico’s College of Pharmacy, but continued to work at least three 12 hour shifts per week in the ER for one of Albuquerque’s hospital systems. Most of the time these shifts took place between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the weekends, but occasionally there would be other hours.

I took care of my mother during both the times J and I were together, up until the day she died. She was a brittle diabetic (old term), hypertensive, arthritic, but her mind was intact. Her eyesight was not the best, and her reaction times had slowed, therefore she quit driving. I picked up the slack for her.

I was headed to my mother’s home one night after an 11a.m. to 11 p.m. shift at one of St. Joe’s Hospitals ERs. This one was located on the West side of Albuquerque, so I was able to take the back roads to my mother’s. This allowed me to go through the Isleta Indian Reservation and cross the Rio Grande via their bridge.

As I came across the Reservation and started across the bridge I looked up the Rio Grande River northward. Hovering silently about 100-150 yards from the bridge was a large triangular shaped craft. It was just about tree top level and the bottom of the craft reflected in the dark waters of the Rio Grande. The only lights visible on the craft were what I would say were portholes or windows along the upper third of the thickness of the craft, and three large, brilliantly white lights on the bottom. I know they were there because they reflected back from the river.

Artist Concept

I looked at this vehicle, and it was like it was an everyday sight for me. The tingling in my neck was going off madly, but I felt extremely calm. I didn’t stop or even slow down my car. I made it through the Reservation and home.

I mentioned this to an Uncle (uncle by marriage) that had traveled Hwy 317 many times over the years. He laughed and began to describe a disc shaped craft he saw hovering in the yard of one of the many folks who had land along that Hiway. He said that was one of many sightings he had had over the years.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Journey of Missing Time on Highway 350


Both J and I had been attending The University of New Mexico taking classes in computer programming. At the end of 2.5 years of computer languages, and debugging a program in C++ at 6 in the morning, I decided I was going to go back to something I knew, medicine. 

We both applied to UNM’s College of Pharmacy, but to hedge our bets we also applied to University of Colorado Boulder’s CoP and University of the Pacific’s CoP.

It was in October of 1993 and we had interviews in Boulder. Since I was born and raised in Colorado we decided we would stay with a long time friend of mine and his family. 

We got a late start out of Albuquerque, and the drive to La Junta is approximately 5 hours. We left Albuquerque at 3:12 in the afternoon. We arrived at my friend’s home around midnight.

As we were making our way from Trinidad, Colorado down Hiway 350 towards La Junta, it was extremely dark. There are very few lights along that portion of the highway as most of the area is farmland and ranchland. As we were driving the discussion once again turned towards UFOs. We were discussing many of the sightings that had taken place over the years, when I noticed two repetitive sets of lights. They consisted of two lights that were a set distance apart. They were a brilliant white and moved quite slowly. As I watched these two sets of lights the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. I got J to look at the lights just as the trailing set of two lights began a marvelous display.

The lights began to flash, much like a strobe light. The flashing started as regular intervals, first the leading light, then the trailing light. They also appeared to have slowed down in their traversing the terrain. All of a sudden these two lights began flashing in a wild and disrythmic fashion. In such a way as it appeared that the lights had multiplied and no longer flashed in a linear fashion. They literally flew around the area defined by the original two lights, but in no predictable sense. The display was breath taking.

After arriving at my friend’s M, he asked why we were so late. I had no explanation. I told him about the lights, but J claimed she never saw them. He said perhaps they were military as the army had put in an installation along Hwy 350 since I had moved away.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Travis Walton: Was He The Only Abduction In That Forest Range?

After our discussion about what had occurred to me in Socorro, J seemed to accept what had happened without much discussion or disbelief. It was during this time that I was contact with the Intruders Foundation run by Budd Hopkins, and Ms. Kathryn McCampbell. I was having more frequent, overt experiences. Most of which I’ve already covered.

The last immediate occurrence happened just prior to our going to go see “Fire In The Sky”. It was the night before the movie opened, J and I had been at work until midnight. I dropped her off at her home, and I drove the 23 miles South to Peralta. I felt incredibly tired, which was not uncommon after a shift from Hell in the ER.

I made it home and went immediately to sleep. I really don’t know how long I had been sleeping when my bedroom was flooded with a brilliant white light. Much like the klieg lights they use here in California for a movie. There was absolutely no source around my home for such a brilliant light. As soon as I noticed it, I was back asleep.

The next afternoon I picked J up from her home in the Northeast Heights of Albuquerque. We watched the movie, which was a tad over done for me, but close to the experience none the less. As we were driving to go to dinner J asked me if the movie bothered me. I said not exactly, but it did bring some memories to the fore.

She then began to tell me how she that it was crap, and that I couldn’t have possibly gone thru what was portrayed in the movie. I was trying to explain to her that I was sure that there was ‘artistic license’ being used in the production. She moved away from me and sat next to the window of my truck. I explained to her that the Mogollon Mountain range, the very same range that Travis Walton logged in, ran just to the South and West of Socorro.

Our experiences happened very close to one another, and that the probability of it being the same craft and crew was highly likely. J then said I needed to shut up about this and how could she possibly be proud of a boyfriend who had a fantasy such as this.

This sudden shift in her point of view was totally out of character for her. But it was one which didn’t change, and probably signaled the end of a 9 year relationship. The next year we took a trip to Denver to interview for Pharmacy School.

That will be covered next time.