Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Triangle UFO Over Isleta Indian Reservation Bridge

By the beginning of the year of 1995 J and I had gone our separate ways. Nothing uncommon for me. Business as usual.

I had started classes at the University of New Mexico’s College of Pharmacy, but continued to work at least three 12 hour shifts per week in the ER for one of Albuquerque’s hospital systems. Most of the time these shifts took place between 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the weekends, but occasionally there would be other hours.

I took care of my mother during both the times J and I were together, up until the day she died. She was a brittle diabetic (old term), hypertensive, arthritic, but her mind was intact. Her eyesight was not the best, and her reaction times had slowed, therefore she quit driving. I picked up the slack for her.

I was headed to my mother’s home one night after an 11a.m. to 11 p.m. shift at one of St. Joe’s Hospitals ERs. This one was located on the West side of Albuquerque, so I was able to take the back roads to my mother’s. This allowed me to go through the Isleta Indian Reservation and cross the Rio Grande via their bridge.

As I came across the Reservation and started across the bridge I looked up the Rio Grande River northward. Hovering silently about 100-150 yards from the bridge was a large triangular shaped craft. It was just about tree top level and the bottom of the craft reflected in the dark waters of the Rio Grande. The only lights visible on the craft were what I would say were portholes or windows along the upper third of the thickness of the craft, and three large, brilliantly white lights on the bottom. I know they were there because they reflected back from the river.

Artist Concept

I looked at this vehicle, and it was like it was an everyday sight for me. The tingling in my neck was going off madly, but I felt extremely calm. I didn’t stop or even slow down my car. I made it through the Reservation and home.

I mentioned this to an Uncle (uncle by marriage) that had traveled Hwy 317 many times over the years. He laughed and began to describe a disc shaped craft he saw hovering in the yard of one of the many folks who had land along that Hiway. He said that was one of many sightings he had had over the years.

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