Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sandia - Monzano "Visitors"

After C’s accident, our relationship changed. 

The person who went into the crash was not the person who came out the other side. The closed head trauma re-wired her and the personality took a change; not for the better in this case. She spent 6 weeks in the hospital and then was discharged home to my care. This also displaced pharmacy school for 1 year.

During this time my sister had moved from Kansas with her middle child. They stayed with my mother and myself which freed me up to look after C. I went back to working full time, plus any overtime, at the Emergency Rooms where I was employed. This meant I was traveling at all hours of the day.

One evening, toward the end of the first year, I was headed back to C’s house. I had worked all day at two separate ER s and was flat exhausted. It was around 11:45 p.m. I walked into the house and our dog, Sosa, met me at the door. C had taken her walker and went out onto the back porch.

It was a typical NM November night, crisp, cold, snow was on the ground and the sky was so close you could touch it. C had a very strange look on her face.

When I asked why she wasn’t back in bed, she told me a story that I will never forget. 

She had been reading and got the distinct feeling that I was out in the backyard. She thought that was very odd, because normally I came through the house to check on her immediately after getting home. She got out of her bed and walked outside. She had a fantastic view of the Sandia and Monzano Mountains. There were heavy clouds just above the range, and as her attention was drawn to the clouds a bright orange ball dropped out of the clouds. It flew rapidly along the tops of the mountains until it reached the end of the range, then it just headed right back to where it came from. It did this twice as she watched. It had fascinated her so much that she remained outside in hopes of seeing it again.

She called this, and all sightings after this, “our friends”.

Keep this sighting in mind, because after her passing it will return.


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