Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Diversity in the New Mexico Alien Crafts


I remained living in NM for about 18 months after C had passed away. During this time I had many “odd” sightings. 

I was lying on the floor one evening about 11:30 p.m. My television was against a wall facing Northeast, and to it’s right were several windows. As I was watching TV I felt a strong rumbling. It felt as if my whole home was being shaken to it’s very foundation. I glanced out of the windows, and I saw a string of lights.

There were perhaps 10 or 12 in a straight line formation covering the expanse of the end of my home and flying at about 2000 feet. They passed rapidly over my home and were gone over the horizon in a matter of seconds.

Later that week I sat on the back porch of my home talking with a friend on the phone. Again, a loud roaring was heard, loud enough that my friend on the other end of the phone asked me if I had moved next to the Sunport. 

I looked out over my back garden, about ¾ of an acre, and noticed a dark obelisk like object flying at tree top level over my property. It flew perpendicular to the ground, think Washington monument moving upright, and with the exception of 3 large reddish, circular lights, one above the other, the only way you could see it’s shape was by it blocking out stars as it passed. As it moved out towards the West, it turned horizontally and left in a few seconds.

The oddest of these sightings took place in December of 2004. I had gone to bed at about midnight, and dropped right off to sleep. The next thing I am aware of is standing out in the middle of my back garden looking straight up. Very high above me was a circle of 6 lights. They remained stationary for a few seconds after I “woke” up, then they began to quickly rotate around their circle and they shot straight up into the early morning sky.

I was weighing a decision that would take me away from New Mexico, but not away from my “friends”.


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