Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sandia ER and a Case of Mistaken Identity

Albuquerque, NM. The year is 1988. 

My girlfriend and I had had many discussions about life on other planets and other planes of existence.  We were both basically on the same page as to the reality of it all.  However, the other staff members at the hospital where we worked varied on the subjects.

We worked the “war zone” at the hospital's Emergency Room. I was in an administrative position, so it was stress-relieving fun for the staff to give me my ration of s__t for my beliefs. 

It was all in good fun and I took it that way but to me a person should never be ridiculed for their beliefs; be it religious, political or life in general. 

One day in the midst of our duties, my ward clerk suddenly came running in from the ambulance entrance, breathless. It was about 5 or 6 in the evening and the setting sun had cast it’s coloration along the Sandia Mountains turning them the color that gave them their name…a watermelon red.  

He was very excited and urged me to go quickly outside and look just above the ER.  He said that their was a metallic craft hovering, and it wasn’t moving. I thought that this was quite odd as I didn’t have any tingling that I would normally associate with the presence of a craft. 

I walked out the ambulance entrance and down the drive.  I looked up and indeed there was a metalic object just sitting there in the sky. I went back in and retrieved my clerk. We walked back out and I pointed to the object. It was sitting there quietly hovering and not moving perceptibly.

I looked at my clerk and said “That, my friend, is what a weather balloon looks like.  Notice how it looks like an ice cream cone? That's a dead give away.” He looked at me in disbelief.  He said he could understand how someone could actually mistake one for an unidentified craft.  I smiled and went back inside.

My girlfriend and I were planning an end-of-the-season ski trip. 

More on that next time.

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